Thursday 11 January 2007

Rest your Eyes a while

A little oasis of greenery just off the busy main road.
From the photo you'd think it was Summer with the green grass, the palms and the pepper tree which keeps its leaves in winter.
I took two photos of this scene, the first from a little further away. It showed two old men sitting on a bench enjoying the sunshine. It was such a Simon and Garfunkel moment:

Old friends,
Sat on their park bench
Like bookends.

Unfortunately dominating the photo was a huge public dustbin that somehow managed to include itself so the photo had to go....


edwin s said...

thank you for this brief rest.

Monsieur Pain d'épices said...

salute è pace je viens de découvrir qu'il existe un Nice Daily photo et j'en suis fier...
je te souhaite une belle aventure sur la planéte des daily photo et un bon courage pour la suite ...
a prestu...