Monday 16 June 2008

La Garrigue

The hillsides are covered in shrubby growth in May and June. Visually it's a stunning sight but even so cannot compare with the perfume that these insignificant plants give off...experts say that a walk in amongst greenery staves off depression. Up here that's not difficult to believe.


tut-tut said...

The many many greens are stunning. I bet an early morning walk would stave off any dour thoughts later in the day!

Olivier said...

dommage (en effet) qu'il nous manque l'odeur. c'est tres agreable de se promener dans la garrigue.

Ming the Merciless said...

What an interesting variety of plant life on this patch of grass.


Jane Hards Photography said...

A walk through these greens and purple is enough to stave of anyones blues.