depending on where you sit! At first sight I thought the poor girl at the front was pedalling the customers around herself and it occurred to me that there must be easier ways to make a living. However, I see I was wrong, thank goodness, and the cyclo does have a motor.
I wonder if she pedals sometimes...cycling is great exercise! And fun! Thanks for stopping by my blog!
Your photo is wonderful. You caught the whole performance and it does look like she is peddling.
Married 53 Years
ça je préfère, au moins je ne tomberais pas ;o))
"Louis" would enjoy this!
(Editor to "Louis:" It is highly doubtful you would fit in or on one of these!
"Louis" to Editor: Perhaps so, but there is no doubt that I'm going to ram your heinie with my horns if you don't quit picking on me at every blog I visit!)
That would be a great way to see the city, but I am more than happy to do the peddling myself.
I don't know. Doesn't it rather defeat the purpose if the cycle has a motor?
Ha! Looks like someone is on siesta too early. ;) I think it would be a joy to bicycle in Nice.
That looks like the other half relaxing and me doing all the legwork. Good to see it's just an illusion. I like this idea. No 8007 reson to move to France.
Le gars à l'arrière me semble forcé un peu
pour allonger les jambes ;-)
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