Friday, 26 September 2008

Please Bear With Me....

As I was saying it's been a difficult week and I'm afraid Miles didn't work his magic as my computer crashed again last night, emphatically. So until I can either fix the old one, again, or buy a new one I won't be posting. However, I will be able to visit and leave comments so don't think I'm not watching you all!


Wayne said...

Doesn't sound like it's a mac.

Before I was converted I thought the mac people were more or less obnoxious, self-righteous twits. Now I are one.

Hurry back Angela.

Anonymous said...


Sherry said...

Sorry you are having computer problems! Hopefully they will get sorted out soon.

GMG said...

Hi Angela! Here I am to enjoy your lovely blog on my weekly visit!
And this week we have again some wonderful pictures. Loved to see Miles from Nikki at the Negresco; great trio!! ;)
Place Magenta? I think I had a great bouillabaise somewhere around it in 1982...
Look forward to reading you at Blogtrotter, now back in Chania!
Have a great weekend!

Olivier said...

j'espère que c'est pas trop grave et que surtout que tu as des sauvegardes des tes photos.

Jilly said...

Really sorry to hear of your computer troubles. Hope they get sorted soon. We'll be here...awaiting your Nice photos.

alice said...

I hope you'll be back very soon!

Louis la Vache said...

Time to Mac! Once you Mac, you won't go back!

angela said...

I am so tempted by a Mac....everything I've heard and read leads me to think that it would the best for me but that purchase may have to wait at least till Christmas. In the meantime i'm going to put all my camera software and Picasa onto my son's computer so I can work from there...

Knoxville Girl said...

ack! I haven't even had time to visit your lovely blog recently. hope your puter gets fixed.
I reiterate as above: Mac, Mac, Mac.

Me said...

I am so sorry you are still without a computer! Hopefully you won't have to buy another!

Rob said...

PC troubles, the universal mode of frustration. I hope you get it repaired soon, or a new PC.

Profile Not Available said...

I know your frustration first-hand, having been without a computer of my own for about two weeks. I have been borrowing them when I can, but it has been hard to upload photos! I hope you are back online soon! I miss your views of Nice!

Hilda said...

It's been two weeks and I miss your photos terribly! Get a Mac!!!

Jane Hards Photography said...

I am waiting patiently for my little fix of Nice, but as an addict to the place it is hard. I'm with all the above. Miss your beaitiful sites terribly. ife is so much more palitablle with a little Nice. We will all be here, baying for images on your return.

Hilda said...

I just saw your comment in my blog. I hope that means we'll be seeing your photos again soon?

Thank you for the visit, Angela! At least now I know you're still around. Please take care of yourself!

Aradu said...

Are you coming back with a lot of sunny, wonderful photos? Please-please-please!

Kate said...

Angela, thanks for visiting my blog with a suggestion to identify my farm equipment. When will you be posting again? I miss your photos and narrative so I hope that it is soon! My email is on my profile so give me a hint offline!!

kuanyin333 said...

No wonder I haven't seen you commenting lately! Here's hoping you get your computer problems resolved soon!

Kala said...

OMG - my computer crashed too!!! I think there was a virus on it so Im using another one. I hope you did not lose too much pictures!!! i would be really bummed if that happened to me. Au revoir - I think thats what I want to mean??? Ahh need to learn my French!