Thursday, 25 September 2008

Miles Davis

It's been one of those weeks: computer problems, grey skies, son going back to university et al et al. I need a morale boost and what could be better than Miles Davis by Niki de St Phalle outside the Negresco?
A glass of good red wine inside the Negresco might come close though...


Virginia said...

Oh now that's a great sculpture! Love it. I am laughing at his footwear though. Looks like green fuzzy slippers.-HA Maybe I could find some Miles Davis for the player on my blog. :)

Jane Hards Photography said...

He does have his comfort feet on. I love the history of this hotel and of course now I ma thinking of something else I want to see and do the Jazz festival.

2sweetnsaxy said...

That's a pretty cool sculpture. Reminds me that I haven't touched my jazz blogs in a while.

Anonymous said...

Nice colorful statue...
enjoy !

Maria Verivaki said...

a beautiful monument - wonderful colours

Olivier said...

cette statue de Niki de St Phalle est vraiment magnifique, je trouve que c'est une des plus belles créations de St Phalle, et puis un bel hommage a un des dieux du Jazz.

Bergson said...

Superbe statue colorée

Webradio said...

Bonjour Angela !
Elle est SUPER Ta photo !

Et Ton blog aussi d'ailleurs, que je découvre...

Anonymous said...

My wife stood there for 5 minutes taking pictures when she spotted this sculpture during our visit last year.

Hilda said...

Oh I love it! Such a happy, fantastic sculpture! And the hotel doesn't look too bad either. ;D

I hope the sun comes out for you this weekend!

Rob said...

What could be better? more Miles Davis!

Catherine said...

I have some problems sometimes to leave comments with blogger. And today is that kind of day.
Great sculture! Is it exact that there are many others inside the hotel?
When we come in Nice, we hardly ever come in front of the Negresco, because it is a little out-centered.

Catherine said...

Always trying to repair?
I was expecting your so blue Sky of Nice!
Great week end, Angela.

Baruch said...

I love this sculpture - it has such vivid colours

rob said...

I like the statue, but ...isn't he too fat? Miles was so slim...